Before we reconcile, we must have a reckoning.So — we have a new President Elect. That’s good. But despite the President Elect’s noble words about reconciliation — we cannot reconcile…Nov 9, 20201Nov 9, 20201
Don’t use XState (at least, not with React)XState is a very well written library. It seeks to bring the finite state machine pattern into React applications and, for the most part…Sep 21, 202010Sep 21, 202010
Redux in 2020: Much, much less boilerplate thanks to ‘@reduxjs/toolkit’One of the things I’ve found is that a lot of people who decide to use some alternative to Redux (React.Context, MobX, etc.) are doing so…Sep 21, 20201Sep 21, 20201
Okay, this is the best way I can explain Trump to my British friends.As an American, I’m often asked: “Really, in a country with 350 million people, was Trump the best that America could come up with?”Jul 3, 2020Jul 3, 2020
A case sensitive ~/src folder for Mac ProgrammersBy default, Macintosh computers the APFS filesystem, which is very unix-like but is not case sensitive. Considering that almost all…May 23, 20203May 23, 20203